Asheville is located in Bunkombe County, in western North Carolina, near the Tennessee border.
Asheville, North Carolina, is nestled in the Blue Ridge. It has long become a favorite destination among tourists from all over the United States, and the whole world. People come here for, unique to Asheville, unique - an attractive atmosphere, eclectic music, extraordinary art, unique handicrafts and the delightful charm of the mountains.
Asheville North Carolina |
The city has a special, relaxed atmosphere, extravagantly dressed residents of the town stroll along the streets, shop windows are full of a variety of stained glass items.
General data
The area of the city of Asheville is 107, 0 km ², of which 106, 0 km ² falls on the suburbs . The population is 72 . 789 people ( at the 2006 year ). The population density is 686, 7 people / km ². The city is located at an altitude of 650 meters above sea level.
Asheville North Carolina |
Geography and history
Éšvill located in districts Bankomb (Bunkombe County), on the lapse Staten North Carolina, bliz border with STAT Tennessee . City lies in the center of a mountain massif Blu - Ridge - Mauntinz, the location vpadeniâ river Svannanoa River in river Frenč - Broad - River.
Asheville North Carolina |
Asheville entered into the composition of the United States in January of 1798 the year . In 1880, a railway line was built to the city . In 1929 year in the light came the novel " Look at the house of his, Angel " T . Wolfe, who glorified Asheville ( in the novel - Altamont ) and portrayed him residents, their fellow countrymen.