Lake Geneva, Lausanne, Switzerland (with Map & Photos)

Lake Geneva (Lausanne, Switzerland) - the main resorts and areas, excursions and attractions, museums, reviews of tourists about Lake Geneva.

Lake Geneva Lausanne Switzerland
Lake Geneva Lausanne Switzerland

Lake Geneva (Leman) is the second largest in Central Europe. The water in it is clean, but very cool: you can swim only in July-August. The beaches are grassy and platforms. Basically, tourists are attracted here not so much by the beach as by the cleanest air, warm climate (up to +32.. + 36 ° C in summer, while the heat is not felt) and a spectacular combination of subtropical vegetation and snow-capped mountain peaks.

The Lake Geneva region is also home to several well-known private medical institutions offering the most advanced and diverse medical techniques, as well as the picturesque Chillon Castle.

Lake Geneva Lausanne Switzerland
Lake Geneva Lausanne Switzerland

Located east of Geneva, this largest lake in Western Europe is often compared to a huge mirror lying between the French-speaking canton de Vaux to the north and France to the south. Why a mirror? Because the waters of Leman often remain perfectly calm throughout the day, reflecting every bush and house on the shore like a mirror.


Most of the cities have water connections on the Compagnie GĂ©nerale de navigation (CGN) ferries. These are good modern vessels, despite the fact that CGN was founded in the early 20th century. In some cases, boats are faster than other transport (between Lausanne and Evian, for example). In other cases, boats, of course, are slower than trains, but much more picturesque.

The waters of Lake Geneva often remain perfectly calm throughout the day, reflecting every bush and house on the shore like a mirror.

The main resorts of Lake Geneva

There are resorts on Lake Geneva for all categories of vacationers: Montreux is aristocratic, mainly for older people, Lausanne is more youthful. The shores of the lake are considered one of the most beautiful in the world, and the surrounding towns are full of ancient monuments. This area is often and deservedly called the Swiss Riviera, because its banks are emerald vineyards on lime hilly slopes.

Lake Geneva Lausanne Switzerland
Lake Geneva Lausanne Switzerland

Regional Pass

Regional Pass (for 7 days 1/2 class 190/ 130 CHF ) allows you to travel free on buses and trains throughout the canton for 3 days, and half price for 4. The pass also gives a 50% discount on CGN ferries and about 25% on the Diableret lifts. There is also a five-day pass (1st/2nd class 155/105 CHF ). Swiss Rail Pass holders have a 20% discount on the Regional Pass.

4 things to do on Lake Geneva

  1. Take a walk through the emerald meadows on the slopes of the hills.
  2. Swim in the always calm but cool water of Lake Geneva.
  3. Find your charm both in aristocratic Montreux and in youthful Lausanne.
  4. Arrange a feast for the stomach and rest for the soul, enjoying fondue, tiramisu and wines.


In the resorts of Lake Geneva, you can find hotels not only for every taste and budget, but also for any "liveness" of the spirit - be it respectable Montreux, youthful Lausanne or universal Geneva.

Lake Geneva Lausanne Switzerland
Lake Geneva Lausanne Switzerland

Cuisine and restaurants

In the cities and resorts of Lake Geneva, as well as everywhere in Switzerland, it is worth eating fondue, drinking wine, and having a bite of excellent tiramisu. Particular attention should be paid to wines from lands grown to the west of Lausanne. You can try them in local caveaux (wine cellars).

Entertainment and attractions of Lake Geneva

Fans of thermal baths, spas and similar delights can head north to Yverdon-les-Bains, where Lake Neuchâtel and its thermal springs are located.

And in the south-east of the canton and the lake opens the way to the beautiful Alpine mountains Vaudoises (Vaud Alps) - a paradise for travelers in spring and summer, and in winter - a ski paradise. In the summer, by the way, they also ride here, on the Diableret Glacier. Finally, Lake Geneva is home to many famous international events, such as the Montreux Jazz Festival, which takes place every July.

A Deep Purple song titled Smoke on the Water was recorded in December 1971 in the aftermath of the Montreux Casino fire.

Lake Geneva Map