Madeira Island 2024, Portugal (with Map & Photos)

Madeira Island is the quintessence of eco-tourism in Europe. A tiny piece of land, lost in the Atlantic, capable of falling in love with even the most emotionally stingy urbanist.

Madeira Island
Madeira Island

The harsh Atlantic, impregnable rocky shores, massive mountain ranges, tropical forests, waterfalls, caves - all this is Madeira. Whether you love nature or not, it doesn't matter. This island will become the subject of your admiration, and you will leave with only one thought if only to live here for at least a couple of months.

Madeira Island
Madeira Island

Planning a trip here was more difficult for me than to Africa. How to choose the most beautiful among hundreds of kilometers of hiking routes? What viewing platforms are not to miss? What are the best areas to live in logistically? These are just a few questions that I found it difficult to find answers to, using not only RuNet but also the official tourist sites of Madeira and Portugal, and guidebooks of famous travelers.

Madeira Island
Madeira Island

This article is all my experience gained during the trip, at the stage of its planning, and communication with local residents. She has two goals:

the first is to motivate you to go to Madeira if for some reason you are still thinking;
the second is to somehow put things in order in your head and plan a trip that is close to ideal from your subjective point of view, based on this report.
Get ready for a huge number of letters and photographs, it is impossible to talk briefly about Madeira.

Madeira Island
Madeira Island


Madeira is an archipelago made up of a group of islands. There are only two inhabited: the island of Madeira itself, which will be discussed, and Porto Santo.

It is located in the Atlantic Ocean, 1,000 km. from continental Portugal and 500 km. off the West Coast of Africa.

Madeira Island Map